Raise funds for Dolphin Research Australia by donating your opinions

Raise funds by donating a few minutes and participating in online surveys from the comfort of home. There is no ask for money, no obligation and your opinions remain anonymous.

Dolphin Research Australia receives direct revenue from commercial partners for every survey you complete. To make a difference, all you need is an opinion!

Sign up as an Opinion Donor

Confirm your email (watch your inbox and junkmail)

Immediately after registering you will receive a welcome email asking you to confirm your email address. The welcome email should arrive within minutes, so keep an eye on your junk mail for emails from either Dolphin Research Australia or Opinionate.

Update your safe sender list

To make sure survey invitations don’t go into your junk mail, add donate-opinions@opinionate.com.au to your address book. If you find communication from us in your junk mail, ‘right-click’ and select ‘not junk’.

Make surveys more relevant*

To ensure surveys are as relevant as possible click on the 'Profile' tab once you have confirmed your email, and complete at least the Household profiling questions. If you don’t have kids for example, there is little point in us sending you surveys about kids!

There is no need complete all 100+ profiling questions and 10+ topics, just the Household are enough for us to work with initially. It will improve your Opinion Donor experience if you want to complete them all, but it is completely optional.

Refer to the 'Opinion Donor FAQs' on the other tab for details about how we handle personal data. In  summary, Opinionate collects profiling information simply to help send suitable surveys and does not share this information in an identifiable form with Dolphin Research Australia or third parties.

Start raising funds immediately

Once your email is confirmed you can start raising funds right away by logging in and clicking the ‘Surveys’ tab. Alternatively, your first survey invitation should arrive via email within a few days, so keep an eye on your junk mail.


If you have problems with a specific survey, submit a ticket to membersupport@cint.com.

For general queries about your Opinion Donor membership, send an email to support@opinionate.com.au.

How do you handle my personal data?

We use information you provide on sign-up and any profiling information you provide to help target suitable surveys and manage the platform.

We may share your first name and email with Dolphin Research Australia so they can let you know the impact your opinion donations are having as an Opinion Donor. We do not share your personal data with other third-parties.

Information you provide in a survey is de-identified so you can not be identified by the researcher conducting the survey or their end client, in accordance with the principles of market and social research.

Neither Opinionate or Dolphin Research Australia have access to responses you give in surveys unless specifically stated in the survey invitation.

How does the model translate into revenue?

We deliver survey invitations via email, online in your Opinion Donation portal, and via smart phone notification (for those who have downloaded 'Opinion App').

We deliver surveys based on any profiling you have provided and according to rules set by Dolphin Research Australia including frequency, length, topics, etc.

Surveys originate from our select network of market research partners who are interested in consumer opinions. Surveys topics have no relation to Dolphin Research Australia unless explicitly stated.

We pay direct revenue to Dolphin Research Australia based on the length of the survey completed.

How long is a typical survey?

Surveys can be anywhere from one to fifteen minutes in length, depending on the length set-up by Dolphin Research Australia when registering with Opinionate.

We display the estimated survey length in each survey invitation. You can choose to participate, or if the survey appears too long you can simply ignore the invitation (or decline it so you don't receive a reminder).

The length of each survey is based on the estimated time it would take an average person to answer. Some people might take less time, others may take more depending on your responses.

A survey session might take a little longer than the displayed survey length due to the routing process prior to entering the survey which is in place to make sure the survey is relevant to your profile.

What topics are covered in the surveys?

Surveys can be on any topic except gaming, alcohol and tobacco which we reject automatically and other topics excluded by Dolphin Research Australia when registering with Opinionate.

Surveys come from market research agencies who represent global brands, service providers and government agencies and have no relation to Dolphin Research Australia unless expressly stated in the survey invitation.

How often will I receive survey invitations?

The frequency is set by Dolphin Research Australia when setting up the Opinionate platform, but generally survey opportunities are restricted to two per month.

You can change the frequency yourself by logging into your Opinion Donation portal and going to the Settings options.

Who is Opinionate?

Opinionate is an Australian company, based in Sydney.

Our vision is for everyone to be able to support their chosen cause irrespective of financial, physical, geographical and cultural barriers. We are the pioneers of micro-time-donation.

Opinionate is a member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia and holds fundraising approval from all not-for-profits listed on this website.

We generate our revenue from a small fee paid to us by market research agencies for every survey completed by Opinion Donors. This fee has already been deducted from the funds available to be raised that is displayed to Opinion Donors in survey invitations. Of all money received by Opinionate under this model, our not-for-profit partners receive approximately 80% and Opinionate receives 20%.

Who is Cint?

Cint AB is a trusted technology partner and operates the survey technology which is at the core of the Opinionate platform.


If you have problems with a specific survey, submit a ticket to membersupport@cint.com.
For general queries about your Opinion Donor membership, send an email to support@opinionate.com.au.

If your question is not covered, contact

Invite family and friends to become Opinion Donors and raise additional funds for your chosen cause. Simply paste this page URL into an email to your friend and copy support@opinionate.com.au. If your friend signs up with the same email address communicated to us, we will track the completion their first survey and will donate $10 to your chosen cause.

Hi [Insert Name],

I’m a member of the Opinionate platform which allows me to donate a few minutes of time each month and raise funds from the comfort of home by completing online surveys. It is easy! I thought you might like to give it a try.

[Your name]

Opinionate is a registered fundraising partner of Dolphin Research Australia.
